CBD is known for offering all sorts of therapeutic benefits. Many people use CBD products to put their mind and body at ease, others use it to boost their focus and productivity. In the age of working from home, getting things done and staying motivated is challenging to say the least. While you may reach for your cup of coffee or an energy drink to get you through the day, what if you could use CBD to boost your productivity? Here are some tips and tricks for using CBD to make your workdays a success. How CBD Affects Focus One of the top benefits of CBD is its ability to relax the mind and body while elevating mood. When ingested, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help maintain homeostasis. It also helps to prime the body in how it responds to stress. In doing so, it’s much easier to stay concentrated and focused, even in a stressful environment. Though all forms of CBD can improve focus, a full or broad spectrum product may be best. These extracts contain not just CBD, but other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. These compounds all work together to enhance the effects of CBD.  Of note are the terpenes limonene and alpha-pinene. They have both shown to support the management of stress, mood, and concentration. Using CBD to Boost Productivity There are many ways that you can use CBD to increase your productivity. Here are some of the top options to consider to help make your workdays endlessly successful. Take CBD for better sleep One of the best places to start is with your nighttime routine. If you’re one of the many people who feels tired and sluggish throughout the day, chances are that you aren’t getting the quality sleep that you need. A lack of sleep is known to impact decision-making, concentration, and memory. By adding CBD to your nightly routine, you’re more likely to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. CBD not only puts your mind and body at ease, it works with the endocannabinoid system to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. CBD + caffeine in the mornings Coffee is the go-to drink for waking up in the morning, thanks to its high caffeine content. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases cortisol levels, which makes you feel more alert and ready to go. However, caffeine doesn’t come without its drawbacks. Drinking too much can make for a jittery day. A caffeine overload is also known to cause anxiety and irritability, which impede productivity. To minimize overstimulation from caffeine, take CBD when drinking your morning cup. CBD can curb the negative side effects of caffeine by helping to regulate GABA to ease the body’s fight or flight response. Increased GABA levels have shown to improve concentration and mood while also keeping mental fatigue at bay. Use CBD to reduce discomfort Let’s face it, sitting at a desk all day isn’t the most comfortable thing. This is even more true if you have poor posture and find yourself dealing with neck and back pain on the regular.  Experiencing constant aches and pains caused by mouse movements, repetitive typing, or a low quality chair all impact your ability to do good work. To minimize your discomfort, start by getting up and stretching. Sitting for hours at a time is bound to leave you feeling stiff. Another great way to keep aches and pains at bay is by using CBD. Chew your way to a pain-free day with CBD gummies. Or use a topical product that is applied to the targeted area. With your discomfort gone, you can get back to focusing on your work. For all of your CBD needs, choose Verma Farms. We offer an ever-growing inventory of high quality CBD products that are designed to provide the benefits you need, when you need them the most. From delicious gummies to capsules to dried fruit infused with CBD, our products are designed to keep you at your best.
CBD products are some of the most popular on the market today. While you may be well aware of the medical research as well as positive reviews of praise from users, it’s important to remember that everyone reacts differently when taking CBD. In fact, some people report experiencing no noticeable side effects. Because everybody is different, your experience with using CBD will be unique. If you’ve recently tried CBD and didn’t get the results you expected, don’t give up hope just yet. There are many factors that play a role in your experience with CBD. And while the compound isn’t right for everyone, chances are that you need to make a few tweaks to make CBD work for you. Here’s why you may not be feeling the effects and what you can do to have a more memorable experience Are your expectations realistic? People who try CBD for the first time and are disappointed may need to better align their expectations with reality. All of the hype and buzz surrounding CBD has led to grandeur ideas that the compound can solve every little thing. So what should you expect from CBD? CBD isn’t THC and doesn’t have any intoxicating or psychoactive effects. It doesn’t cause feelings of euphoria or any type of profound changes to your mental state. Instead, you can expect CBD to give you a sense of calm. It can also increase your ability to focus, but it won’t alter your mental state. It’s also important to note that using CBD for a few days, or even a few weeks, often isn’t enough time to feel its full effects. As your parents always said, patience is a virtue. It takes time for CBD levels to build up in the body. Reasons your CBD experience was lackluster Now that you know what to expect from CBD, let’s discuss why you may not have felt effects from the compound. Everyone reactions differently As discussed earlier, CBD affects everyone differently. When ingested, the compound interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help optimize the function of various systems throughout the body by maintaining homeostasis. But your body is much different from anyone else’s. You have different genetics as well as a different health baseline. And chances are that your lifestyle choices are unique as well. Because we’re all different, how CBD interacts within the body will vary from person to person. It takes a lot of experimentation to figure out which product type, dose, and administration method provides the best results. You need a larger dose CBD dosing isn’t straight-forward, simply because there are so many factors that impact how the compound affects you. It’s best to dose low and slowly increase the amount that you take until you feel the effects. Depending on your weight, start by taking 5-10mg of CBD daily. If you aren’t feeling any changes to your mood, increase the dose over the next few days. You may also need a stronger, more potent CBD product to get the results you want. Give CBD more time to work You can’t expect to take CBD and then feel the effects immediately. Remember, CBD is designed to supplement and work alongside the endocannabinoid system. It takes time for the system to adjust. As a rule of thumb, take CBD on a set schedule. Taking the same amount at the same time each day can help you to feel results sooner. Try a different product type One of the best things about CBD is that it can be taken in all sorts of ways. If you aren’t getting the results that you want, try CBD in another form. At Verma Farms, we offer many different CBD products, including: Gummies Oils Dried fruit Capsules Topicals The method of administration also impacts dosage. For example, if you’re taking CBD capsules or gummies, you may need a higher dose. This is because the digestive system and liver can break down a large amount of the active compounds before CBD enters the bloodstream. Remember, CBD doesn’t offer immediate results. Depending on the amount and product type, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours to feel the full effects. With these tips and tricks, you can create a CBD experience that gives you the relief that you want. For CBD products that are made with the highest quality ingredients, choose Verma Farms.
How CBD Can Transform Your Life
Life is rarely an easy path. For many, it’s filled with unexpected twists and turns, along with the occasional pothole that may or may not cause some lasting damage. And while there’s no miracle product that can melt away all of life’s stresses, we’ve found the next best thing: CBD. Also known as cannabidiol, CBD has shown to offer an ever-growing list of therapeutic benefits. CBD is sourced from hemp, which also contains other health-boosting compounds, including terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids, and other cannabinoids. Various studies have shown just how beneficial CBD may be in improving physical and mental wellbeing. Interested in learning more? Keep reading how CBD can help you to better navigate anything that life throws your way. Mood Booster Feeling down and out? Whether you’re feeling stressed or just worn out from work, CBD makes for a great pick-me-up.  A few drops under your tongue or chewing a delicious gummy can melt all of your problems away. When ingested, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which runs throughout the body. CBD has shown to significantly reduce stress and can help to ease a worried mind. Research has found the compound acts on the serotonin receptors in the brain. This is the neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Clearer Mind When you’re in a constant state of worry, it negatively impacts your ability to think and concentrate. Worry and anxiety can also decrease your productivity. Whether you’ve got a big test coming up or if you’re racing against the clock to meet a deadline, CBD can help you remain focused and steadfast in reaching whatever goal lies ahead. CBD has shown to relax the mind and body. It promotes a sense of clarity, without any kind of drowsiness. All-Natural Pain Relief Whether applied topically or ingested in oil or gummy form, CBD has shown promise in its ability to reduce pain. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates all sorts of functions, including pain. CBD may reduce aches and pains, including chronic pain, by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity. By reducing inflammation, CBD is able to control the main underlying cause of pain. Studies have also found that CBD is effective in treating pain caused by several health conditions, including arthritis and multiple sclerosis. CBD is 100% natural and poses little to no health risks. The compound has no addictive properties, which makes it much safer than traditional options, such as prescription or over-the-counter painkillers Quality Sleep Not getting enough sleep at night has more of an impact on your health than most people think. In fact, a lack of quality sleep on a constant basis increases the risk of a variety of health issues, including: Obesity Diabetes Heart attack Stroke But what if counting sheep isn’t helping towards achieving your eight hours each night? Whether you have issues falling asleep or staying asleep, CBD can help. Because the compound relaxes the mind and body, it puts you into the prime condition for getting the sleep you need. Without racing thoughts and a restless body keeping you awake, you’ll find that it’s much easier to fall asleep and stay that way all night long. Healthier Skin If you suffer with acne, you know all too well how the condition impacts your self-esteem and confidence. On days when you’re having a bad breakout or flare up, it can be hard to want to get out of bed, let alone be seen by someone in public. Acne is thought to be caused by various factors, including bacteria, underlying inflammation, the overproduction of sebum, and even genetics. And while there is no shortage of skin products on the market, CBD may be one of the better options. Studies have found that CBD oil not only reduces inflammation on the skin, it may also reduce sebum production. It prevents the activation of inflammatory cytokines, which cause those red, painful breakouts. Enjoy Life More with CBD Life can be tough, but you’re tougher!  Whether you want to use CBD for pain relief, better sleep, or to boost your mood after a long, stressful day, what’s most important is that you use a quality product. Verma Farms is well known for creating delicious, Hawaii-inspired CBD products that are made with USA grown hemp. Enjoy a sense of calm and relaxation with our flavorful CBD oils, or chew your way to goodness with one of our delicious gummies that will take you away to paradise. Browse all of our CBD collections to find the best product for you.
Is It Legal to Fly With CBD Products?
Whether you’re planning to fly a few states over or to another country, one thing you don’t want to forget to pack is CBD. For travelers, CBD offers all sorts of advantages, including minimized anxiety, a calmer mood, and better sleep. CBD may also benefit those traveling across multiple time zones by helping to minimize symptoms of jet lag. If you’re hopping on a plane in the near future and want to bring CBD along with you, there are some things to know beforehand. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of flying with CBD products. Can I Legally Travel with CBD? In the past few years, a lot has changed in regards to CBD products. Back in 2018, the Farm Bill was passed. This bill legalized all hemp-derived products, including CBD products, at the federal level. Other recent changes include changes from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). today, travelers can now bring hemp-derived CBD products on the plane. But, despite CBD being legal at the federal level, there are still some caveats to be aware of. For example, a CBD product is only considered legal under the 2018 Farm Bill if: It’s derived from hemp Contains no more than 0.3% THC However, because the CBD industry is unregulated, there’s no overseeing agency that ensures all products available to consumers meet these criteria. This is why it’s important to buy from a reputable brand that has all of its products tested by a third party lab. Federal Legalization Doesn’t Override Lower Level Laws One thing that people forget is that there are laws at all levels, starting at the top (federal) all the way down to the bottom (local). While CBD products may be legal at the federal level, states and even local municipalities may still have laws that ban such products. Take the time to research applicable laws in your destination. This is especially important if you’re traveling outside of the United States. While some countries have similar rules, there are others that don’t recognize a difference between marijuana and CBD products. Pack Only What You Need When traveling with CBD, you don’t want to bring every product that you own. For travelers, we highly recommend oils or gummies, as they’re the most convenient to dose and don’t require a beverage to take them. Be aware that most states have a limit of 150g or a 30 day dose of CBD. Bringing more than this could get you into trouble. To be safe, bring only what you need to make it through your trip. This way there’s no risk of bringing too large of an amount. Also remember the TSA travel restrictions for liquids. This only applies if you’re packing CBD oil, or a CBD-infused drink, into your carry-on bag. If you’re caught with a higher amount than allowed, TSA will confiscate your CBD products. Pack the Certificate of Analysis Along with your CBD, you’ll also want to bring along any documentation, especially the certificate of analysis (COA). This documentation is especially important in proving that the product in your possession is legal. A product’s COA provides in-depth information into what a product contains, to include: CBD and THC levels Levels of other plant compounds Existence of any harmful compounds If you’re pulled aside and questioned about your CBD, providing a COA is the best way to show proof that the product is legal and falls within the federal guidelines. Without documentation, authorities will more than likely confiscate your CBD products. Know Before You Go As discussed earlier, it’s important to research and follow any applicable laws in the location you’re flying to. If you’re traveling to another country, pay close attention to the marijuana and CBD laws. Places like France, Canada, and the U.K. have legalized CBD. But other countries have not. If you’re unsure if CBD is allowed, it’s best to err on the side of caution and leave your CBD at home. Otherwise you could face legal issues, which is no way to start a vacation!
Best 3 CBD Recipes to Cool You Down This Summer
There’s nothing more refreshing than sitting outside on a hot summer day with one of your favorite drinks. You can make the experience even more delightful by adding a few drops of CBD oil to your favorite beverages. Whether you’re a cocktail or mocktail kind of person, a CBD-infused drink will have you feeling nothing short of amazing. CBD offers all sorts of therapeutic benefits, including lowered stress and anxiety, reduced inflammation, and an uplifted, calm mood. Keep reading for three CBD-infused drink recipes that are sure to become your favorites this season. CBD Cold Brew Citrus Iced Tea Nothing screams summer more than iced tea. We’ve taken things up a notch by making cold brew tea, which is super smooth and perfect for slow sipping. What’s better than sitting out with your favorite book, enjoying a cold glass of iced tea? This beverage is sweet, citrusy, and is sure to keep you cool on a hot summer day. Ingredients 2 black tea bags or 2 teaspoons of loose leaf tea 12 ounces of water Citrus fruit (sliced lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit) Sweetener of choice Fresh mint leaves CBD oil Ice  Instructions If using tea bags, cut the corners off and pour into a pitcher. Add 12 ounces of room temperature or cold water. Cover the pitcher and refrigerator for at least 8-12 hours. After steeping, strain the tea using a fine mesh sieve. Discard the tea leaves and return the tea to the pitcher. Add a few slices of your favorite citrus fruit. Sweeten using sugar or your preferred sweetener to your desired taste. Add a few drops of CBD oil. We highly recommend Verma Farms Mint or Lemon Lime. Serve with ice and a few fresh mint leaves. Watermelon Strawberry Lemonade CBD Cocktail What’s more refreshing than watermelon strawberry lemonade on a hot sunny day? This CBD-infused drink will keep you cool while making your taste buds have a little party. Not only does this drink taste good, it's good for you! Watermelon is refreshing and a natural source of water, vitamins A, B6, and C. The fruit is also high in lycopene, antioxidants, and amino acids. Strawberries provide an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, as well as potassium and folate. Ingredients 1½ cups diced watermelon (seedless preferred) 1 cup fresh strawberries, destemmed ¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey Verma Farms CBD oil (we recommend Strawberry or Watermelon) 3-4 fl ounces of vodka (optional) Directions In a blender mix watermelon, strawberries, lemon juice and honey. Add a few drops of CBD oil and then blend on high speed.  For the mocktail version, omit vodka. Otherwise, add 3-4 fluid ounces of vodka to the puree and then blend until well mixed. Pour into glasses and serve with a lemon wheel. CBD Peach Hibiscus Cocktail If you're planning a summer get-together and want to impress your guests, or if you simply want a drink that is perfect after a long, stressful day, this is one to consider. CBD Peach Hibiscus Cocktail is light, floral, and fruity. Just a few sips will have you escaping to a tropical paradise, even if just in your mind! Hibiscus tea is not only flavorful, it's packed with antioxidants and other health-boosting compounds that may lower blood pressure levels while also improving liver health. Fresh peaches are soft and juicy during the summer. The fruit also offers plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, folate, iron, and other nutrients. Ingredients Hibiscus Tea 2 ¼ cups water 1/2 cup loose leaf hibiscus tea 1/2 cup sugar (or sugar substitute) Cocktail 1/2 ounce of hibiscus tea 1 1/2 ounces of peach juice 2 tablespoons pineapple juice 2 ounces of vodka or rum Verma Farms Peach or Mango CBD oil Mint sprigs, for garnish Peach slices, for garnish Directions Prepare the hibiscus tea. In a small saucepan, boil 2 ¼ cups of water. Add loose leaf hibiscus tea and boil for 5 minutes. Remove pan from heat and let sit for 2 minutes. Strain tea and discard tea leaves. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Place tea in the refrigerator. Once the tea is chilled and completely cold, it’s now time to make the cocktail! Combine tea, vodka, pineapple, and peach juice in a cocktail glass. Add ½ cup of ice and stir. Add a few drops of CBD oil (the amount is at your discretion!) Garnish with mint and a peach slice. Final Thoughts Stay cool, calm, and collected this summer with these three delicious CBD drinks. Whether you want to relax after a stressful day at work, or if you simply want to kick your favorite summertime beverages up a notch, you’re sure to love these recipes.
Top Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing
We all strive to be happy and content, which is why taking care of yourself is so important. When you’re nourished from the inside, it shows on the outside. Self care is crucial, especially during those stressful days when you feel down and out.  The good news is that there are all sorts of changes you can make that provide nearly instant benefits in improving your wellbeing. This allows you to take on each day with a confident smile.  Here are some of the top ways to improve your wellbeing so that you can make the best of each day, no matter what life may throw your way. Make Time for Yourself Let’s face it: life is stressful. While being an adult has its perks, growing up brings with it all sorts of stress and responsibilities that you aren’t always prepared for. After one of those long, stressful days at work, there’s nothing better than making time for yourself so that you can relax and unwind. We’re all guilty of neglecting our own health, especially when it comes to taking care of our family or meeting tight deadlines at work. But when you don’t provide the care and nourishment that you need, you aren’t able to give your best to those around you. The fix? Make time for yourself! Do things that you enjoy, even if it's just for a few minutes a day. Giving your mind and body time to unwind and relax greatly benefits your wellbeing. Consider activities such as: Reading Yoga Meditating Taking a warm bath Listening to calming music Get Plenty of Sleep So many people underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. One of the most basic steps in taking charge of your wellbeing is getting the right amount of quality shut eye each night. When you sleep, your body heals and restores itself from physical and mental stress. Sleep is also when your body regulates hormones, including those that regulate the mood and emotions. This is why when you don’t get enough sleep, you wake up feeling moody and irritated. As a rule of thumb, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. For better sleep, stick to a routine. Create a sleep-inducing environment that’s dark and not too hot. And most importantly, put down your phone! Eat a Healthy Diet What you eat also plays a huge role in your health and wellbeing. While it’s perfectly acceptable to splurge on your favorite junk foods every so often, you want to strive for a diet that consists of mostly natural, wholesome foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, dairy, and grains. What you eat contributes to your internal health. A diet that’s high in processed foods increases the risk of all sorts of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Food even plays a role in your mental being as well! Give your body the nutrients it needs so that you feel energized, balanced, and focused. Try CBD There is no shortage of supplements, with new products being added to store shelves on a daily basis. But, if you’re looking for a holistic supplement that supports every aspect of your wellbeing, consider trying CBD. CBD products are available in a variety of forms, including oils, capsules, gummies, and even topical products. As we’ve learned more about CBD, it’s become evident that the hemp-derived cannabinoid may offer a host of therapeutic benefits that support physical and mental wellness. For example, research has found that CBD may: Lower stress and anxiety Be a treatment for depression Improve sleep quality Reduce aches, pains, and inflammation Protect brain and heart health CBD addresses some of the most common problems that people face on a daily basis. Whether you’re struggling with aches and pains that impact mobility, or if your days are plagued with anxious thoughts and worries, CBD may help. If you’re looking for high quality CBD products that are made from USA-grown hemp, check out Verma Farms. We offer a full collection of CBD goodies, including deliciously flavored gummies and oils, as well as topical products, dried fruit, and more. Taking care of yourself is important. By getting more sleep, eating a healthy diet, and doing things that make you happy, you’ll notice a huge improvement in your physical and mental health.