How to make the most of your hobbies
Working long hours and having a busy family life can be great...but sometimes you might not be sure what to do when all of your responsibilities are complete. It's time to revisit an old hobby, or pick up a new one! Enjoy your pursuits more by adding CBD so you can focus and enjoy your fun activities.
How CBD can help you enjoy your free time more
Your free time is all about you! When you finally get time for yourself to enjoy hobbies, a relaxing book, or a walk in nature, it can be hard to turn off the racing thoughts that have followed you through the busy day. Help your mind be at ease with these helpful practices designed to help you get more joy out of your time.
Can CBD help me study?
Staying up all hours studying is hard even for someone with naturally great focus, which is exactly no one these days. In our distraction-filled world, it’s almost impossible to study well and retain information no matter what time of day it is. It can be challenging to maintain concentration on homework due to competing demands, changing priorities, and constant cell phone alerts. It’s almost as if we’ve been wired to be distracted. Even though studying at home or in a dorm room can be convenient and comfortable, some students find that they are less focused on their work when they are in the comfort of their own environment and may procrastinate by folding laundry or getting lost in a YouTube rabbit hole. Interruptions will present themselves and pull your attention away from your books no matter where you choose to study. The thing that all these settings have in common is your own brain, so that’s what we have to work on. Willpower alone is rarely enough to keep you focused, so it helps to be armed with tools that can help you build smart study skills. How can you improve our focus so we can study better? Read on to find out if and how CBD can improve your ability to focus and concentrate, as well as which CBD products may be most useful. How Does CBD Aid Studying? The ECS, or endocannabinoid system, is intimately linked with cognitive function. It is activated in response to cannabidiol (CBD), a compound isolated from the hemp plant. The ECS is critical for healthy functioning of things like memory formation and the immune system. Continuous endocannabinoid production is a normal physiological process whether or not we choose to consume CBD products. The cannabinoids produced in the body are in a much smaller quantity than what’s available from supplementation, which is why CBD products have such a noticeable effect. Supplementing and supporting the body's natural endocannabinoids is an advantage of using CBD products. Thanks to its interaction with the ECS, CBD can help you relax and concentrate by reducing the effects of stress and anxiety, and making it easier to ignore distractions. The ability to concentrate on a single task improves when the nervous system is soothed by the activation of the ECS. CBD has been shown to improve sleep quality and decrease inflammation, and both of these effects improve memory formation and speed of recall. This all translates to being able to study more effectively in less time. You can learn new information more quickly and gain a deeper understanding with fewer repetitions of the material. And since you won’t have to spend all night cramming for exams, you can walk in more energetic and optimistic, and your test-taking skills will also improve. What do the studies suggest? The hippocampus receives more oxygenated bloodflow after a single dose of CBD than under normal circumstances, according to research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2020. The hippocampus is the area of the brain that processes memories. Participants' reaction times decreased as they completed various memory exercises as well.   Furthermore, a 2018 report by the National Institutes of Health suggested that CBD can aid with mental health and acuity in a number of ways. This study's findings that CBD supplements may encourage new neuron formation in the brain provide a possible explanation for CBD's ability to alleviate fleeting feelings of anxiety, depression, and inability to focus for extended periods of time. CBD is ideal for memory formation. In addition to helping with concentration, CBD has been demonstrated to boost memory formation and recall accuracy as well. CBD use is associated with enhanced "attention, executive function, working memory, and episodic memory," according to a meta-analysis of clinical trials published in the Journal of Cannabis Research. Products High in Cannabidiol (CBD) That Help With Concentration Anyone looking for support in their focus and study sessions can now quickly and easily locate a CBD product that meets their specific requirements. While all of our CBD oil and gummies contain 500-1000mg of CBD per dose, we recommend the Focus CBD oil and Sleep CBD gummies for the most effective study tactics. Our Focus blend is a nano infusion that includes high quality fish oil and bioavailable magnesium for optimal brain health. Our Sleep gummies include a hint of melatonin to support deeper restorative sleep, which is when new information is consolidated into memories.
Valentine's Day CBD Gift Guide
Valentine's Day is a chance to show that special person in your life just how much you care. With CBD, you can give your loved one the gift of self care, as its therapeutic benefits will help them relax and reduce tension – two important ingredients for romance! What better way to say "I love you" than by helping them feel their best? Whether it's natural relief from daily aches or pain or peace of mind amidst a stressful work schedule, a daily dose of CBD promotes mental and physical balance when we need it the most. Best of all, CBD comes in a variety of products, so you have a wealth of choices when it comes to choosing a delicious, calming experience perfect for their personality. Overwhelmed by all the choices out there? Don't worry. We've curated a CBD gift guide to cover all your bases. Here's to the most romantic day of the year! CBD Gummies Starter Pack Skip the box of chocolates this year and go for something just as sweet! Dessert is always on the menu on Valentine’s Day, so why not serve up something delicious and calming after your romantic dinner date? Our CBD Gummies Starter Pack features our most popular Hawaiian-inspired flavors, so whisk your Valentine away on a tropical adventure with Maui Melon, Blueberry Wave, and Peach Pau Hana. If you're looking for a gift that satisfies both the CBD lover and candy fiend, look no further. Dried Fruit Starter Kit Give the gift of relaxation and calm to your sweetheart. Didn’t know CBD came in dried fruit form? Prepare to tantalize your taste buds. It may be the dead of winter in your part of the world, but with our Dried Fruit Starter Kit, you can bring a little tropical sunshine their way in the sweetest way possible. Our dried fruit comes in the best flavors Hawaii has to offer, including Maui Mango, Pineapple Party, and Rainbow Papaya. Take a second and listen: you can practically hear the ocean waves! Fruit Pack CBD Oil Bundle Did you know in the kitchen, CBD oil can be one of the most versatile tools at your disposal? The possibilities are endless with our pack of five tropical flavored CBD oil. Use this oil in fruity, tropical-inspired cocktails that are perfect for happy hour or bake them into a tasty treat to gift to your sweetheart after a romantic night out on the town. With fruity bestsellers like Mango, Peach, Strawberry, Pineapple, and Watermelon, you can let your creativity (and culinary skills) run wild! CBD Cream How can you show your Valentine you really care? Thoughtful gifts like CBD Cream show your partner that you’re looking out for their wellbeing, right down to the smallest details. If your partner’s love language is touch, then look no further. Our moisturizing CBD Cream is quickly absorbed by the skin and great for daily use, and it can even provide relief from aches and pains. Best of all? The sweet scent of coconut and soothing vanilla will transport them to the tropical island of their dreams. CBD Pet Starter Bundle Our loyal four-legged friends deserve something special this Valentine's Day, too! After all, the holiday celebrates love, and who else in your house shows you unconditional love day in and day out? Treat them to our most popular CBD pet products, including our award-winning Salmon 150mg CBD Oil, our delectable Steak Bites, and our tail-waggin' good Apple Smacks. Your pup is there for you every day of the year, so why not spoil them today with some drool-worthy, chewy treats?   
How and Why to Use a CBD Bath Bomb
A CBD bath bomb sounds like something from a science fiction movie, but these products are the real thing - and they’re growing in popularity with each passing day. In short, a CBD bath bomb is designed for you to get a dose of CBD via your skin rather than orally — which you'd use CBD oil and CBD gummies for. A CBD bath bomb is exactly what it sounds like. You put it in the water, it begins to dissolve, and the cannabidiol enters the water.  Since non-psychoactive, you don’t have to worry about “getting high.” Instead, people use CBD bath bombs with the hope that it’ll relax them (more on this below). What are the Benefits of a CBD Bath Bomb? While there is no scientific evidence backing up the benefits of using a CBD bath bomb, there are reasons to give it a try.  It can make you feel cleaner: Some people say yes, others say no. You won’t know for sure until you give it a try.  Relieve joints muscle soreness: For example, if you’re sore after a long workout, you’re looking for anything you can find to relax your muscles and help them heal. A CBD bath bomb is worth a try.  Improved mood: Even without CBD, a warm bath can go a long way in relieving your stress and improving your mood. So, you might as well add in a bath bomb and see what happens. Note: it’s important to mention again that there is no guarantee that CBD bath bombs will benefit you in any way. Results vary from person to person.  What to do Next Now that you know more about CBD bath bombs, it’s time to decide if you’ll give it a try. If you’re ready, here’s what you need to do: Buy a high-quality bath bomb: If you’re going to buy a bath bomb, you might as well get one of the highest quality. This ensures that you’re giving yourself the best chance at an enjoyable experience.  Fill your tub with warm water: Even if you typically enjoy a cooler bath, warm water goes best with a bath bomb. Don’t make it so hot that you’re uncomfortable.  Light some candles: You might as well set the mood while you’re at it. This can include lighting candles, playing background music, or even reading a good book. Once you’re all set up, the last step is getting into the tub and adding the CBD bath bomb. After a few seconds, it’ll fizzle and begin to dissolve. And shortly thereafter, your water will be filled with CBD. If you really want to enjoy yourself, block off a minimum of 30 minutes in your schedule. This gives you the opportunity to take full advantage of your CBD bath bomb and everything it can do for you. Do you have any experience using CBD bath bombs? Which type is your favorite? Did you do anything in particular to enhance your experience?  Share your thoughts on CBD bath bombs and related CBD products with the rest of us!