CBD and Sleep: Everything You've Wanted to Know

CBD and Sleep: Everything You've Wanted to Know

Here's a guide to using CBD to improve your sleep routine and how it can help you get the energy and rest you need to face the day.

If you're having trouble getting a good night's sleep, you may be wondering if CBD can help. Here's a guide to using CBD to improve your sleep routine and how it can help you get the energy and rest you need to face the day.

How Does CBD Work to Improve Sleep?

Many people have trouble relaxing and turning off their mind before bed. That's where CBD can help. CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system's receptors to stimulate calming effects and induce feelings of sleepiness. By helping to ease racing thoughts and calming you down, you're in a better mental space to drift off to sleep.

What are the Benefits of Taking CBD for Sleep?

Aside from a good night's rest, here are some of the benefits of taking CBD before bed.

Manage Chronic Pain

If you're dealing with chronic pain that keeps you up at night, CBD can help. A natural inflammatory, CBD can help ease muscle soreness and arthritis-related inflammation to help you sleep better.

Ease Anxiety and Racing Thoughts

You may have trouble turning off your brain before bed, with your mind racing and running through your day. CBD's calming effects can help ease anxiety, making it easier to drift off.

Improved Sleep Quality

Many people wake up frequently throughout the night, resulting in a fragmented sleep cycle that leaves them tired and drained the next day. CBD can help give you a more consistent night's rest, making you ready to face the morning.


How Can I Take CBD for Sleep?

Discover different ways you can take CBD to help improve sleep.


Whether you take CBD oil directly or mix it into your favorite cup of tea, it can help you achieve a restful night's sleep.

CBD Gummies

Have a sweet tooth? A CBD gummy can help you wind down at night and prepare you for a calm, restorative night of sleep.

CBD Capsules

If you're looking for an easy no-fuss way to take CBD, capsules are your best best. Pre-dosed and discreet, these are also easy to travel with and take on long trips.