Stress Relievers: Tips and Activities to Restore Your Inner Calm

Stress Relievers: Tips and Activities to Restore Your Inner Calm

Stress is partially the emotional overwhelm you feel when life feels out of your control. It's also a physical reaction that causes constriction of blood vessels, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and impaired cognitive abilities. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve stress to get back to feeling like yourself. You might not always be able to control the situations you're in, but you can control how you react to them.
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Every day, we face stress in our lives, whether at work, school, or at home, and this can take its toll on our mental and physical health. When stress gets too much or lasts for a long time, it can hurt your mind and body. That's why it's important to have effective go-to activities to calm yourself when you're stressed.

While you can't always change what's going on around you, you can control how you deal with or respond to stress. You also don't need to spend a lot of time or effort to obtain peace of mind in the midst of chaos. 

Why do people feel stressed?

As unpleasant as it can be, stress is a normal part of life. According to Medical News Today, stress is the body's natural way of protecting itself from danger and predators. When people are faced with a challenge or threat, they have a physical reaction that includes feeling stressed. 

While stress is something that everyone experiences, its specific sources can vary. For example, a significant traffic delay can cause one person to lose their temper and feel overwhelmed, while the same event can cause another to find a new podcast and see the bright side of being stuck in the car for a while.

A fight with a friend or family member can be a heavy burden for one person, while another can easily just shrug it off.

The effects of stress can be more noticeable in those who are already predisposed to heightened sensitivity. Some people are naturally more resilient in the face of stress, while others can feel threatened and less able to manage. The latter may be due to differences in temperament, childhood experiences, or a collection of inborn behavioral qualities noticed as early as infancy.

Go-to activities to relieve stress

While there are various reasons for people to feel stressed, one thing's for sure - keeping stress under control is crucial for protecting one's physical and mental health. Here are several quick and easy methods to relax, even in the middle of a hectic day.


Techniques like denial and avoidance of stress (referred to as "avoidance coping" by specialists) can have positive short-term effects, but they tend to have negative long-term effects on your health and well-being. These tactics just kick the can down the road, and the stresses multiply before a person eventually is forced to deal with them, making problems larger and even more stressful in the long run.

An important aspect of mindfulness is an emphasis on the here-and-now, and studies published in the Journal of Research in Personality support the idea that mindfulness strengthens one's ability to bounce back from adversity and cope more effectively. 

To practice mindfulness, pay close attention to the present rather than fixating on the past or the future. When you’re washing the dishes, wash the dishes, as they say.This includes adopting an attitude of self-compassion and understanding that everyone makes mistakes and that experiencing stress is part of being human. Practicing deep breathing techniques will also help you relax and concentrate. 

Try yoga 

The stress-relieving effects of yoga have been well-documented by science since it promotes both mental and physical relaxation. In addition to increasing flexibility, relieving tension, and easing pain, the physical poses in yoga also have other benefits.

Physical impingements, such as muscle knots, can sometimes be released through yoga poses, which can in turn assist in alleviating mental and emotional strain. Endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones that improve your mood and resilience to stress, are also released in response to these activities.

After yoga, when you need a little extra help winding down, try a calming topical like Verma Farms' Coconut Vanilla CBD cream. The sweet scent of coconut and soothing vanilla paired with CBD that's gentle on your system will provide you with fast-acting, targeted relief.

Do art activities 

Studies show that coloring mandalas, drawing, and journaling can reduce anxiety and improve mood. To calm your frazzled nerves, or simply to deepen your inner serenity to express yourself, you can turn to any artistic pursuit, each with its own unique appeal based on your needs and personality. You can color a mandala or even create your own, start on a bullet journal, or something as simple as doodling on a blank page.

Immerse yourself in nature

Visit a park, garden, or wildlife sanctuary. Being in nature or even just seeing scenes of nature will make you feel happier and less angry, scared, or stressed. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, but it also helps your physical health by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

Being in the natural world also aids in the process of dealing with emotional suffering. Trees, plants, water, and other components of nature have been hardwired into our brains to be fascinating, so when we see them, we tend to forget about our pain and discomfort.

Get a good night's sleep 

Sleep acts as a potent anti-stress medicine. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule reduces stress, rejuvenates the body, enhances focus, stabilizes mood, and enhances the ability to make sound judgment and decisions. Being well-rested also improves your problem-solving skills and stress tolerance.

You can try CBD if you have trouble relaxing or if you just can't get your mind off things before bed. CBD stimulates calming effects by interacting with receptors in our endocannabinoid system, the same receptors responsible for creating feelings of tiredness. If counting sheep isn't putting you to sleep, try some of our CBD Sleep Gummies or CBD Sleep Oil. They'll help ease your mind and body into sleep mode.

As you can see, there are many ways to deal with stress. You can add these activities to your Notes app or print out this list for a reminder of ways you can decompress when you’re feeling overwhelmed.