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Sleeping Soundly: How to Manage Chronic Pain for a Restful Night

Effective techniques to add to your daily routine.
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Chronic pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can significantly impact one's ability to get a good night's sleep. The National Sleep Foundation, nearly two-thirds of individuals with chronic pain report experiencing poor sleep quality.

We’ll explore effective techniques for managing chronic pain that promote a healthy and consistent sleep routine. 

You might also be interested in finding other ways on creating healthy routines in this article→

Cognitive Restructuring: Building Positive Thoughts

A girl sitting in the woods with hands together like in prayer and eyes closed

Cognitive restructuring is simply changing negative thinking patterns. As human beings, we can be inclined to thoughts that may worsen or even amplify disruptive and unhelpful feelings.

  1. Observe and identify your negative thoughts related to sleep.
  2. Challenge those thoughts and ask yourself if they’re true.
  3. Replace those negative thoughts with positive statements. For example, you can say “I may have difficulty sleeping sometimes, but I can take steps to improve my sleep.”
  4. Practice this technique regularly to make a habit out of it.

Acupressure on Specific Points of the Body

Two hands massaging the back of a person

Acupressure is the technique of applying pressure to certain points of the body to relieve pain. You can use an effective CBD muscle relief formula during acupressure for double action on chronic pain. It’s like acupuncture but instead of needles, acupressure uses hands and fingers to apply pressure. 

Here are common pressure points that will help alleviate chronic pain:


  1. LI4 - a pressure point located in the back of the hand in between the thumb and the index fingers. Applying pressure in this area will help relieve head, neck, and shoulder pains.
  2. GB20 - a pressure point at the base of the skull. This point will help relieve pressure on the head, neck, and shoulders.
  3. SP6 - a pressure point on the inside of the leg, a little below the knee. Applying pressure here will relieve pain in your lower back, hips, and legs.

High-Quality Cannabidiol (CBD) To Manage Chronic Pain

Cannabidiol (CBD) has long been touted for pain management and stress relief. Unlike medical marijuana, products like Verma Farms CBD oils contain a federally-approved amount of THC, the psychoactive ingredient found in hemp. It is also available online and delivered to your doorstep.

It’s a natural remedy that interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates a range of functions including pain perception, inflammation, and immune function. One of its many benefits includes promoting good sleep quality, especially in people who experience chronic pain.

With a lower risk of side effects compared to prescription pain medication, more and more people are including taking CBD oil in their daily routine. It can be added to food or beverage, or directly put two to three drops under the tongue.

Progressive Relaxation

A woman in a yoga seated pose

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is another relaxation technique to help manage chronic pain and allow you to sleep better at night. It involves tensing and relaxing specific muscles or muscle groups in a sequence.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide for PMR:

  1. Put on some comfortable clothes and find a place to relax. You can do this a little before bedtime to help you prepare for sleep.
  2. Take a few deep breaths as you mentally prepare yourself for the session.
  3. Start tensing your feet muscles for five to ten seconds, then relax completely for 10 to 20 seconds. Do this on several other muscle groups.
  4. As you relax after tensing, make sure to focus on the sensations and try to let go of any stress you may be holding.
  5. Once you have completed the sequence, take deep breaths again and allow your mind and body to feel the relaxation.

Guided Imagery of Calming Scenes or Scenarios

Guided imagery is a visualization technique to reduce stress. It’s helpful for people who have chronic pain and trouble sleeping. 

It’s an alternative form of medicine and is often used in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.

You can practice challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, visualizing positive outcomes, and learning new coping skills.

It is also used in other forms of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy and relaxation therapy, to help individuals access a state of deep relaxation.

In summary: There is good news for people with chronic pain who find it extremely difficult to get a consistent sleep routine. There are proven and effective techniques for managing this issue.

Cognitive restructuring, acupressure, CBD oil, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are all effective methods for reducing pain and improving sleep quality. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can enjoy restful nights and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Remember, a good night's sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and it's never too late to start prioritizing it.