How to Craft the Perfect Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep

How to Craft the Perfect Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep

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You can have the most comfortable mattress, the coolest sheets, and the most warm, cozy blankets, but if you’re not going to bed at the right time or in the right state of mind, it doesn’t matter how much you spent on your bedding – you’re not going to sleep well. A great way to ensure a good night’s sleep is to form a healthy bedtime routine before you go to bed every night. Use these tips on how to craft the perfect bedtime routine for better sleep so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day!

Track your sleep

Before you can create a better sleep routine, you need to understand what’s going on with your current one. If you aren’t already tracking your sleep, start doing so—ideally with an app or device like Fitbit that measures your quality of sleep. From there, look at any irregularities in your habits (do you have consistent bedtimes and wake times?  Are you waking up feeling refreshed?) and adjust accordingly.

For example, if you know you tend to stay up late every night watching TV, try setting a strict 10 p.m. curfew; if you regularly get eight hours of sleep but still feel tired during the day, consider moving your bedtime earlier by 15 minutes each week until it’s more aligned with when you naturally fall asleep.

Set your routine before you go to bed

Be consistent and stick to your routine. A lot of people are usually unorganized when it comes to sleeping and end up tossing and turning because they’re not sure what they should be doing at that time. So, if you want a solid night’s sleep, set a routine before going off to bed. For example, some people like to read a book while others prefer listening to calming music. Whatever it is, make sure you do it every single day.

Your body will get used to your new schedule, which can mean better, more consistent sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try creating a relaxation playlist with soft melodies or soothing songs. Just remember to keep it low enough so as not to maintain the sleep-friendly ambiance.

Don’t wait until you're tired

Try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day, including weekends. You should get a good night's sleep even if you're not tired because waking up and going to bed at regular times is what establishes your body's 24-hour circadian rhythm, which can help regulate your sleep cycles.

Your circadian rhythm is basically a natural alarm clock that knows when it’s time for you to wake up and when it’s time for you to fall asleep.  It works with light and darkness to tell your body when it’s time to be awake or sleep. It helps keep you on track by releasing hormones that affect hunger, mood, energy levels, metabolism and other important bodily functions. Establishing a routine also helps your brain associate certain times of day with sleeping or being awake—and eventually these habits will take over so you don't have to think about them anymore.

Avoid screens an hour before bedtime

If you want to fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling well-rested, it’s important to be conscious of how much time you spend in front of a screen before hitting the hay. Research shows that exposure to screens before bed—and especially when it comes right before hitting snooze—can disrupt sleep patterns and make it harder to fall and stay asleep. Experts recommend keeping your phone in another room or even turning it off for an hour before bed. The blue light from your phone can suppress melatonin production, making it more difficult to doze off at night. 

Instead, try reading a book or listen to some relaxing music. It will help get your mind off of work so you can unwind and prepare for sleep. And if you still find yourself lying awake with thoughts racing through your head, take out a pen and paper and write down whatever is on your mind. It will clear out space in your brain so you can actually rest.

Try CBD to Help Wind Down

If you can't seem to turn your mind off before bed or you need a hand relaxing, CBD can help. CBD interacts with receptors in our endocannabinoid system—the same ones responsible for inducing feelings of sleepiness—to stimulate these calming effects. Our CBD Sleep Gummies are infused with melatonin and can help you drift off if counting sheep just isn't cutting it.

You can also try our CBD Sleep Oil, which is formulated with ginseng, chamomile, and melatonin, a great mix of ingredients for drifting off to sleep. Whatever you choose, adding CBD to your nightly routine can help calm your body and help you get those crucial eight hours of sleep.